jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019

eTwinning project

The incredible life of penguins
We have created a new blog to develop the eTwinning project 'The incredible life of penguins' and we  have linked it to our Baudenglish blog.
It is the best way to acced to the information we will post on the blog. 

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019


Year 5A and 5B students have been working on their 'photo wall' presentations and this is the result of their fantastic work. Congratulations everyone!

viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

New eTwinning project!

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           ' The incredible life of penguins '
Our  new eTwinning project tittled: 'The incredible life of penguins' has been approved. The members of our association are: Poland, Italy, Turkey  and Spain. 


What is eTwinning?

eTwinning  is part of Erasmus +, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. The main  goal is to promote and facilitate contact, exchange ideas and collaborative work between teachers and students of the countries participating in eTwinning, through ICTs.

Oceans are endangered because of different reasons: global warming, Illegal activities on the ocean that include breaking fishing laws, poaching, ignoring marine protected areas, and polluting, etc.
Many animals and plants are in danger of extinction such as some species of penguins. We are going to study the incredible life of penguins: characteristics and descriptions of some species, the life cycle of a penguin, species in danger and how can we help protect them.
Students will look for information and prepare a ppt presentation to post on the school blog.
They will also make some art projects about penguins by using the scrapbooking technique to display on the eTwinning project corner and Inkscape program. Finally, they will do video-conferences with their partners from other countries to share the information.


To learn about the characteristics of a penguin
To describe the life cycle of a penguin
To know different species of penguins
To recognise that the oceans are endangered because of human actions
To react to the environmental problems
To improve the communicative skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
To share ideas, opinions and information with their partners, about the life of penguins.
To improve the ICT skills
To participate in a video-conference.



March 2019: Schools will create the eTwinning corner
Coordinator school will create the eTwinning blog
Video-conferencing between schools
April-May  2019: Students from partner schools will look for information about penguins, life cycle of a penguin, endangered species, how to protect them.
Students will prepare a ppt about penguins.
May 2019: They will make some art projects about penguins
Video-conferencing at the end of the project to share the information.


Students will learn about the species of penguins and the life cycle of a penguin.
They will recognise that oceans are in danger and many species of animals and plants too. They will realise that we have to protect the ocean and the species that live there.
Students will improve their English
Students will improve their Art abilities to make an Art project by using the scrapbooking technique and Inkscape program.
They will use ICT resources and improve their ICT skills as well.
They will use the foreign language to communicate and share ideas and experiences.