jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

New eTwinning Project

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'How to take action to help the environment'

Our new eTwinning project has been approved.  We are ready to work!
 About the project:  

  2020 is the year of Climate Change and Environmental Challenges and because of this we are going to develop a project about environmental care. It is important to ask why we must take care of our planet. People use more natural resources than the planet is able to produce and the rubbish is harming the environment. For instance, plastic and its effects on our planet and human health. Through the project, students will look for information about the main environmental problems around the world and in their own region or town. They will learn about the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. They will work in groups, take photos, make banners, prepare some presentations and present them to their partners by using ICT resources. They will make some art projects (marine & terrestrial animals) with recycled materials to display them. They will post their presentations on the blog and Padlet, do video-conferences and prepare a final exhibition to share all the outcomes.
• To learn about environmental problems and the SDGs (sustainable development goals 2030 of the United Nations)
• To look for information on recycling services in the town (school area, neighbourhood...)
• To react to environmental problems
• To use ICT resources to take some photos, share information, make a banner, prepare presentations, etc.
• To collect plastics to make an Art project
• To improve the ICT and Art skills
• To improve the communicative skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
• To work in groups
• To share information, ideas, opinions and presentations with our classmates and the eTwinning partners, about the environmental problems and the SDGs, and how to take care of our planet.
• To show the results of our project to the whole community.

February 2020
•First contact with partner schools
•Schools will create their eTwinning corners
•Coordinator school will create the blog & Padlet.
•Students will visit their neighbourhood and school area to look for information on recycling services. They will take some photos of communal rubbish bins, waste containers, battery recycle containers,.. They will prepare a presentation to post on the padlet and blog
•Students will observe some products they have at home to describe the different types of packing materials (paper, plastic, ...), they will make a list and share the information with their classmates. Finally, they will prepare a poster
April 2020
Students will learn about the SDGs, look for information on the Internet and make a banner. Post the information on the Padlet and blog.
May 2020
•Collaborative learning: art projects (marine & terrestrial animals)
June 2020
• Video-conferencing
• Final exhibition (all the outcomes)

• Through this project students will learn about environmental problems and the SDGs (sustainable development goals 2030 of the United Nations).
• They will also study how plastic harm the planet and some ways to help to reduce, reuse and recycle it.
• Students will understand how their decisions and actions affect the environment in a positive or negative way.
• They will improve their art abilities to make art projects with recycled materials.
• They will also use ICT resources to collect information and prepare some presentations related to the topic.
• ICT skills will be improved by pupils during the development of the project.
• Students will use the foreign language to communicate with their project partners, via video conferencing or through the blog and Padlet.
• They will also improve their communicative skills.
• They will make an exhibition at the end of the project to show all the outcomes, to the whole community.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020